
Privacy Policy & Cookies / Terms Of Use, Account & Service Provision



Privacy Policy

In order to provide high quality services, we collect from our customers the information necessary to conduct transactions. We give immediate priority to the privacy policy of your personal information. We follow the principles of privacy. We strongly protect any information you provide us.


As part of our service offering, we collect certain personal data to facilitate communication with you and provide the best services.

Through our Privacy Policy we wish to explain our practices and policies to:

  • collection,
  • use and
  • exchange of data and cookies collected by or for you.

This Privacy Policy applies regardless of whether you access our site through:

  • personal computer,
  • mobile device or
  • any other technology or device.

For the purposes of this policy, the owner is Mr. Iordanidis Athanassios (NetGraphics) based in Thessaloniki, Vas. Olgas 82, Postal Code: 54643 (Tax Number: 112560095, Tax office: Kalamaria). For any question, you can contact NetGraphics at info@netgraphics.gr.

Categories and uses of the data we collect

Purpose of data processing Personal Data Possible consequences of failure to provide personal data Legal Processing Base
Newsletters and campaigns Personal IDs, contact information Unable to get newsletters and marketing campaigns Consent
Promotions & Offers Personal IDs, contact information Unavailability of relevant offer, promotional energy, etc. Consent

Disclosure of Personal Data

We will not assign, disclose or rent your personal information to any third party / entity other than as described in this Policy. However, we reserve the right to disclose your personal information to third parties:

  • If we are required to disclose or share your personal information to comply with any legal or regulatory obligation, to enforce our terms and conditions or to protect the rights, property and safety of us, our customers or third parties .
  • To work with law enforcement agencies as well as to investigate and prosecute illegal activities for example scams. We reserve the right to disclose any information about you to law enforcement and other competent authorities that, in our estimation, is necessary or relevant to any fraud investigation or other illegal activity.

In particular, these principles are:

  • Money laundering agencies
  • Terrorist financing organizations
  • Law enforcement agencies in the countries where we operate

This includes the exchange of information with other companies and organizations (eg banks, credit institutions) inside or outside the EU for fraud protection and credit risk reduction purposes. These entities may then use your personal information to investigate and act on any such breach in accordance with their procedures.

Finally, we reserve the right to disclose certain personal information to third parties / service providers, agents or independent contractors:

  • that help us maintain our site and
  • providing us with other management services (including but not limited to the processing and processing of orders, customer service, data retention and analysis, customer contact for us, and the collection of tender information) and other offers, winners selection and prize giving).

We seek to ensure that such third party / independent service providers will not use your personal data for any purpose other than to provide the services for which they are contractually bound. We also create contracts with these third parties that oblige them to comply with the data protection standards required by law and to use the data only for the purposes for which they were transmitted.

In order to achieve the goals of the current policy, the following third parties, located in the European Union, may receive your data:

  • Payment providers
  • Prevention and anti-money laundering and terrorism financing activities, as well as anti-fraud services
  • Platform providers
  • Service Providers

We will not disclose your personal data to third parties outside the European Union in countries where there is no proper data protection regime. However, should such data transfer take place, we will take all possible steps to ensure that your data is treated safely as it is within the EU / EEA and in accordance with this Policy and applicable law. In addition, we will update our current Policy to cover cross-border data transfers and related privacy safeguards.

Data retention time

It is our policy to keep your data only for as long as it is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, in accordance with the principles of data minimization and storage limitation. For all of the following reasons, your data will be retained for at least five (5) years after the end of our customer relationship. In addition, we are aligning your data retention with possible variations resulting from the exercise of your personal data protection rights (you can find out more about updating the Personal Information section).

In some cases, specific personal information may be retained beyond this time due to possible legal obligations, legal interests, etc. Such cases are possible issues related to:

  • Money laundering
  • Taxation
  • Civil law
  • Criminal law
  • Any other legal issues

Privacy rights

At any point, while retaining or editing your data, you retain the following rights, and you may also submit such requests by email to info@netgraphics.gr:

Right of access: you have the right of access to the personal data we hold about you

Right of correction: you have the right to correct inaccurate or incomplete data we hold about you.

Deletion right: you can request that the data we hold about you be deleted from our records and we are obliged to satisfy your request in specific cases.

Right to limit processing: You have the right to request that your personal data be processed, and we are obliged to satisfy this request when certain conditions apply.

Right to data portability: you have the right to request that the data we hold about you be transferred to another organization.

Right to object: you have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you, subject to certain conditions.

Withdrawal consent: where the legal basis for processing your data, as specified in the “Categories and Uses of Data We Collect” this Policy is the “Consent”, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, by writing to email info@netgraphics.gr, without prejudice to the legality of the processing, which preceded the withdrawal and was based on prior consent.

We will evaluate your request and respond to you for progress as soon as possible and in any case within one month of submitting it:

  • request approval,
  • partial approval of the request,
  • request rejected

If NetGraphics rejects your request for the above-mentioned Privacy Policy, we will notify you of the reasons for the rejection. You have the right to file a complaint directly with the regulator.

We reserve the right to reject requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical efforts or have disproportionate technical consequences, jeopardize the privacy of others, or are impossible to materialize.

Updating your personal information

If you are a registered user of the site by logging into your account and using the tools provided to process this information, except in exceptional circumstances, you may:

  • check,
  • update or
  • delete some personal information.

However, some elements necessary for eligibility checking cannot be deleted.

You can obtain a copy of your personal information by email at info@netgraphics.gr. For your protection, you will need to prove your identity in order to receive such copies. You will need to provide appropriate identification information and other relevant information to assist us in fulfilling your request. If you would like to close your account, you can contact Customer Service. If you would like to close your account, this could also be done via email at info@netgraphics.gr. We are required to comply with such requests unless there is a legitimate reason not to delete your data.


Protecting your data is extremely important for NetGraphics, and we strive to provide all possible safeguards for:

  • safeguarding your personal data,
  • limiting unauthorized access and / or possible changes.

These tools include information security measures in accordance with current best practices to protect the privacy of our customers. These measures include technical and procedural and monitoring and tracking actions designed to:

  • safeguarding data from misuse,
  • unauthorized access or disclosure, loss, alteration or destruction.

The security and privacy of your personal data and your account is our top priority. We take the necessary steps and follow the most advanced protection methods to safeguard them. Your personal information will not be used at any time for purposes other than those required for:

  • the proper functioning of the site,
  • of the products and services we provide.

In any case, access to them is exclusively authorized by authorized personnel and fully controlled.

Our company regularly checks the proper functioning of security mechanisms. We apply an SSL Security Certificate that validates our best practices for encrypting data. We use the SSL / TLS standard that encrypts user data before being sent from their computer when a user:

  • it is registered,
  • connected,
  • makes payments or
  • sends us sensitive information.

This way, data can only be decrypted by NetGraphics servers.

Web pages that the user browses are encrypted by NetGraphics servers. This way they can only be decrypted from the user’s computer. For example, in browsers such as Chrome, Firefox or Opera the encryption is AES-256 bit. Our servers will not accept connections from browsers that do not meet the minimum security requirement of 128 bit encryption. Page security can be verified by the presence of the padlock symbol in the browser. Internet Explorer users can double-click on the Properties option and confirm their use of the TLS protocol accordingly.

If you believe you have identified a potential security vulnerability on any of the sites, services / products, email info@netgraphics.gr with a summary of it, along with the email where we could contact you for more information.

Internet Protocol (IP) Address

When you visit the site, your device’s IP address and browser settings are entered. The IP address is a unique address used by devices:

  • to be recognized and
  • communicate with each other on a computer network.

Browser settings may include:

  • the type of browser you use,
  • browser language and
  • the time zone.

We collect this information so we can tailor your experience and locate your device in cases:

  • misuse or
  • illegal actions.

In addition, we may use your IP address to reach your location (city level). We also use the Google Analytics service to collect and process web site statistics. Read the Google Privacy Policy for more information.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We strive to continually review and update this Policy. In this way:

  • we comply with the laws and regulations and
  • at the same time we provide optimum protection of your personal data.

Any updates will be notified through the current web site.

Contact us

If at any time you believe that we do not comply with the provisions of this Policy or with any other matter relating to data protection, please contact us by email at info@netgraphics.gr.


Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files with information that a web site stores on a user’s computer. The cookies are stored by the web server. Each time the user logs on to the site, the user retrieves that information and offers the user related services. A typical example of such information is the preferences of the user on a web page, as stated by the choices the user makes on that web site (eg selection of specific ‘buttons’, searches, ads, etc.).

The installation of cookies is permitted only with the consent of the user and after proper updating.

Source: http://www.dpa.gr/

Why we use Cookies

We use cookies to make your browsing easier and more enjoyable. We may collect information while browsing the site and may also evolve as our audience requires.

About Cookies

While browsing the site, cookies may be stored on your computer by third-party services such as:

  • For statistical purposes related to website traffic and analytics,
  • social media or other internet marketing and website promotion (facebook, twitter, instagram, flickr, pinderest, google +, skype, linkedin, etc),
  • corporate video playback (youtube, vimeo, etc.),
  • map business approach (google maps, foursquare, etc.),
  • updating data, corporate, financial, statistics or other form (pdf, excel, word, txt, etc).

Disabling Cookies

None of the cookies on the site are required for its operation, you can disable cookies from your browser settings. For more information on disabling cookies please visit your browser’s official website.


Terms of Use

The copyrights of the Content (eg programs, information, data) and the Services of the netgraphics.gr website posted on the Network are protected by:

  • Greek,
  • Community and
  • international copyright laws.

Any of the following is forbidden:

  • copy,
  • distribution,
  • transfer,
  • processing,
  • resale,
  • creating derivative work or
  • misleading the public about their true Provider of Website Content.

Only with the prior written permission of NetGraphics or any other copyright holder are allowed:

  • reproduction,
  • reissue,
  • loading,
  • communication,
  • hearsay,
  • transmission or
  • any other use of the Content by any means or means for commercial or other purposes.

The netgraphics.gr website provides the content, products and services available through “exactly as they are”. For example information, names, photos, illustrations. In no event is the netgraphics.gr website liable for any legal, civil and / or criminal claims. But not for any damage (positive, special or negative), which indicatively and not restrictively, divisively and / or cumulatively consists of:

  • loss of profits,
  • data loss,
  • loss of earnings,
  • financial satisfaction etc. visitors to the site or third parties for a related reason:
    • whether or not and / or
    • use of the Website and / or
    • inability to provide services and / or
    • information provided by him and / or
    • from any unauthorized third party intervention on products and / or
    • services and / or
    • information available through it.

Use of the Website must be for legal purposes only and in a manner that does not restrict or prevent its use by third parties. The visitor is required to use the site in accordance with:

  • the law,
  • good manners and
  • these terms, and
  • not to perform acts or omissions that may cause him or her to malfunction, interfere with, or endanger the provision of NetGraphics services.

This site may contain references to third-party sites. NetGraphics is not responsible for the content of these pages and for any damage resulting from their use. The visitor has access to them at his own risk.

The web site netgraphics.gr makes every effort to ensure the proper functioning of its website. However, it does not guarantee that the functions of the Website or the Servers will be uninterrupted or error free, free of viruses or similar elements.

The netgraphics.gr website reserves the right to:

  • modify,
  • adds,
  • changes the content or services of the Website, as well as the Terms of Use, whenever it deems necessary and without prior notice, with the sole release through its Website.

The names, images, logos, and trademarks that represent NetGraphics or third parties and their products or services are the sole trademarks of NetGraphics or third parties protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their appearance on the Website should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.

Visiting this site requires the full acceptance of the above terms when using NetGraphics services.

Terms of service

General terms of sale

Customer declares responsibly that:

  • The information he / she submits is true and does not knowingly infringe the rights of third parties in the requested domain name.
  • It wishes to take the action required in accordance with the present application.
  • In the case of a legal person, the declarant shall bind that legal person.
  • He / she is aware that in certain services (eg domain name registration), he / she will receive in addition to the order email additional emails that confirm activation of the service.
  • In any case he is responsible for checking the correct execution of his order.

Hosting terms of sale

  • The term “web hosting” is a very common and widespread terminology for the Internet. NetGraphics and the client agree that the terms herein are understood by both NetGraphics and the client.
  • NetGraphics provides web hosting services on organized datacenter infrastructures in both Europe and the US
  • NetGraphics provides web hosting services on high-speed Internet networks.
  • NetGraphics provides web hosting services, either on its own servers or on servers leased exclusively by third parties, for use by its customers.
  • NetGraphics provides web hosting services, either on a Linux ™ operating system, on MS-Windows ™, or in special cases and on other internationally recognized operating systems.
  • NetGraphics provides web hosting services, with various ratings, including
    • shared email hosting,
    • shared web hosting,
    • asp hosting,
    • co-location hosting,
    • dedicated server hosting,
    • managed hosting,
    • streaming hosting and much more.
  • NetGraphics declares that the terminology referred to herein is internationally used for web hosting issues, for which it maintains an official website on the Internet providing a wealth of information and updates to NetGraphics customers (www .netgraphics.gr).
  • NetGraphics, in order to adapt to the technological changes. Configures all web hosting services accordingly to:
    • provide its customers with better technical specifications and the same or lower cost.
  • On the other hand, the client recognizes that the web hosting services are constantly evolving and should visit the official website www.netgraphics.gr to be informed about the changes in the services provided by NetGraphics.
  • The purpose of the hosting is to gain access to the Internet for the client to take advantage of the advanced information services provided by the particular network and the international cooperation of interconnected Internet networks to users.

  • Through the above links NetGraphics enables the customer to view his commercial activity and to provide information to users – visitors of the Internet.
  • NetGraphics is not responsible for the security of the transactions as well as for the proper handling of sales and orders of users through the network on which the Web site of the client or its customers is located.
  • NetGraphics’s liability is limited to the liability of its network for legal use. NetGraphics does not warrant that:
    • quality,
    • adequacy and
    • security of communication for any point of any telecommunications operator, its customer or customers, or other networks used. It has no liability whatsoever for any network functionality problems arising from the operation of its networks or third parties. Beyond that laid down by telecommunications legislation, and in particular a proportionate reduction in remuneration when the shutdown was intended to last beyond the time prescribed by law.
  • The client recognizes that the Internet is an open environment and must act with extreme diligence. The client must take the necessary security measures:

    • to prevent the unauthorized use of the network and its code (user name, password) by unauthorized or unauthorized third parties.
  • The Client shall, in the event of any such information being provided to him within twenty-four (24) hours of ordering and receiving the first details of his account, make any change to any of his passwords using the service provided by the Company. of its users. He further owes:
    • memorize account details,
    • not label it on objects it carries or makes accessible to third parties,
    • not allow the use of the data codes by others; and
    • control the statistical movement of his account.
  • Customer responsibility ensures that the content of the pages is not in violation of the Law and the good manners. The client is responsible for the law and for the content of the pages. Any use contrary to the foregoing except criminal or civil penalties shall result in termination of hosting without further notice and without the right to reimbursement of any payments already made. NetGraphics is required to provide the services that are provided, under the condition, that access and use of its network are made in the context of:
    • law’s,
    • of trading users and
    • of contractual terms.
  • Any unlawful use, other than criminal and / or civil penalties, gives the company the right to terminate the hosting. Indirect use is indicative of unlawful access and use of the NetGraphics network or third party computer systems through the NetGraphics network. It is expressly agreed and agreed that NetGraphics in any case where it wishes to be reported by a third party or network operator:

    • illegal access or
    • illegal use or
    • an attempt to undertake such operations is entitled to temporarily and immediately discontinue use of its network and to refer the matter to EETT.
  • In the event (after any legal process is confirmed) of the infringement, NetGraphics may terminate the hosting service permanently, otherwise it will have to re-establish its telecommunications connection without any liability to it for the period during which it remained. disconnection without prejudice to telecommunications legislation.
  • NetGraphics has a claim for compensation for any loss, which is causally related to the client’s unconventional or unlawful or unlawful acts or omissions, and is still entitled to redress and invoke the client in any case where it wishes to be sued by third parties for damage suffered because of the client’s unlawful action or omissions, regardless of the latter’s fault.
  • NetGraphics is in any case entitled to terminate the hosting and to permanently or temporarily discontinue access to its network in the cases specified in the relevant telecommunications legislation.
  • NetGraphics is currently not under any obligation to provide access and use of its network services provided the customer’s telecommunications equipment is not officially certified, nor is it liable to the customer or third parties for the use of non-certified equipment. On the contrary, it has the right to discontinue its services if it wishes to establish the use of unauthorized equipment.
  • It is agreed that the use of NetGraphics’ network and other third parties arising hereunder is prohibited in a manner that prejudices the exclusive rights and privileges of the telephone operator in voice telephony and the customer stated that he is fully knowledgeable of the relevant telecommunications institution. framework, Community (90/388, 97/607 EU etc) and national (Law 2246/94 etc).
  • NetGraphics reserves the right to refuse registration or request its immediate removal:

    • provided that she or another Internet user submits in writing that the content requested for registration or distribution is in violation of the law. As illustrated by the provisions of Law 2525/94 “On Consumer Protection”, Law no. 2121/92 on Intellectual Property, Law 2372/95 on Data Protection etc.,
    • if it violates both good morals and those that are shaped by Internet society, e.g. spamming practices or that is contrary to NETIQUETTE (Code of Conduct for Internet Users).
  • NetGraphics is also entitled to request and the customer is obliged to deliver third party licenses, provided the content listed appears to be related to copyright and third party rights. If the partner ignores the request or refuses to register or fails to comply with the request for removal of the material in question or the licensing of third parties, it is agreed that:
    • NetGraphics may terminate access by any technical means, and

    • refer the case to EETT for dispute resolution on the basis of the applicable dispute resolution rules, which both agree and promise to be followed by the parties from now on. Registration may only take place following a decision by EETT, as set out below, and unless otherwise ordered by the competent Courts. It is further recognized that:
      • due to NetGraphics’ objective inability to comprehend the enormous amount of material that is daily published directly by its users through the technical process of up-loading or
      • any other similar, Customer undertakes, and promises, that it will not post, nor distribute any illegal or harmful content and accepts that it is a contractual and legal right of NetGraphics to prevent any legal or technical means from posting or distributing such content. Further, that it will notify NetGraphics of any change in the content and assume full responsibility for the compliance thereof. He acknowledges that he is liable to NetGraphics for damages if the latter wishes to be held responsible or co-responsible to any extent. The company owns any content development programs (scripts) it wishes to produce under any contract.
  • In the event of litigation against the client or the client’s partner using the services on behalf of the client and generally involving the client or its partner in matters relating to the content or information provided by the Web Site (e.g. for fraud, infringement, etc.), NetGraphics is required to immediately suspend Hosting until such blocking is restored.
  • NetGraphics unilaterally defines basic billing categories, which are indicative where appropriate:

    • One-time right,
    • annual or monthly fee,
    • charge per unit of transmitted information,
    • charge per unit of stored information,
    • charge per Virtual Domain Hosting Services, Virtual Mail Server, Number of virtual e-mails, FTP Server,
    • Support for Primary DNS, and any other charges that may be mentioned either in the Terms of Use or on the official NetGraphics website (www.netgraphics.gr).
  • Also the right to set criteria for pricing differences and possible discounts on a case by case basis and indicative by customer class, type of use and others reasonably at its discretion. Pricing is based on the services provided and identified herein or on the services currently listed but have been modified at a later date and are simply communicated by simple electronic mail.
  • Invoices or receipts are issued upon payment of the order. If the customer exceeds the limits he is entitled to, then NetGraphics will charge the customer the excess price, as described on the official NetGraphics site (www.netgraphics.gr). In this case, invoices may be issued by NetGraphics on a case-by-case basis, after prior notice to the customer. The payment of such debt shall be made within thirty (30) days from the date of issue of the relevant document. NetGraphics has the right to:
    • modify in accordance with the terms of the telecommunications legislation the applicable tariffs for the services it provides, which come into force two months after their announcement, setting at the same time their date of entry into force.
  • For any dispute arising out of its implementation, implementation and interpretation, NetGraphics and the client agree and agree that prior to their recourse to the Thessaloniki Courts designated as competent, they shall seek to resolve their dispute before EETT.

  • Modification of one or more of the terms herein may be made only with the written agreement of the client NetGraphics. These terms constitute a single and indivisible whole containing the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the purpose described above, which is applicable to its order and no other agreement, oral or written, exists defining the relations of the parties, existing is removed.
  • Should part or provision of this Law be annulled by a judgment of a competent court as unlawful, valid and enforceable, this shall not affect the validity of its remaining provisions, which shall remain in force and shall apply.
  • Charges for hosting the client’s Web Site on the NetGraphics Server are based on the invoice and can be modified once a year.
  • The features of the client’s hosting package are presented in detail here. In case the features of the package are exceeded, the customer is informed by NetGraphics and chooses the category change as reported on the official NetGraphics site (www.netgraphics.gr).
  • NetGraphics informs the customer of the anniversary date for hosting renewal as described herein, thirty (30) days prior to the anniversary date. Upon notice and upon expiry of the hosting, NetGraphics may unilaterally discontinue hosting the Client’s Web Site and all related services, without any liability for any direct or indirect damage that this may cause to the Client.
  • NetGraphics has the right to discontinue hosting the Customer’s Web Site and terminate it:

    • when the payment of the invoices is delayed,
    • when the applicant breaches the obligations under all the preceding paragraphs or fails to comply with the general conditions herein,
    • when the payment anniversary date expires and no payment renewal has occurred.
  • The present has nothing to do with the support and repair of damage to the client’s internal computerization, the telecommunication equipment he uses to access the Internet, and generally anything that has nothing to do with the subject matter hereof.
  • Where the responsibilities and obligations of the client are mentioned, it is understood that they include the responsibilities and obligations of the client’s clients which, under its own responsibility, the client must ensure.
  • The present is in no way related to the registration, payment of subscriptions, management and renewal of the domain name as it is the property of the client, unless agreed in writing between the client and NetGraphics.
  • The customer is aware that in some services (eg domain name registration), he will receive in addition to the order email additional emails that confirm the activation of the service.
  • The customer is in any case responsible for checking the correct execution of his order.

Terms of domain transfer Customer declares responsibly that:

  • The information he / she submits is true and does not knowingly infringe the rights of third parties in the requested domain name.
  • It wishes to take the action required in accordance with the present application.
  • In the case of a legal person, the declarant shall bind that legal person.
  • The following documents must be faxed at the latest three days after the date of application:
    • Photocopy of the identity of the old and new owner.
    • If the owner (old or new) is a legal entity, an official company document should be sent to the legal representative.
  • Please be reminded that if the above documents are not sent in time, the application will be automatically withdrawn from the system.
  • He / she is aware that in certain services (eg domain name registration), he / she will receive in addition to the order email additional emails that confirm activation of the service.
  • In any case he is responsible for checking the correct execution of his order.

Domain Backorder Terms The Client responsibly states that:

  • The information it states is true and does not knowingly infringe the rights of third parties in the domain name backorder application.
  • It wishes to take the action required in accordance with the present application.
  • It is aware that the backorder procedure does not guarantee the registration of the domain name, but that an attempt will be made on the expiry date plus the days of protection for the registration of the domain name.
  • It is aware that in the event of a domain name registration being successful, the fee paid corresponds to the cost of registration plus the cost of providing the backorder service.
  • He is aware that in case of failure to register the domain name, the price he paid is not refundable, but is credited to his account and can be used for future purchases from our online store.
  • It is aware that in the case of a legal person, the declarant is bound by that legal person.
  • He is aware that the same domain name cannot be requested at the same time for backorder and other customers.
  • He / she is aware that in certain services (eg domain name registration), he / she will receive in addition to the order email additional emails that confirm activation of the service.
  • In any case he is responsible for checking the correct execution of his order.

Terms for registering or renewing a .gr domain name The Customer declares that:

  • The information he submits is true and does not knowingly infringe the rights of third parties in the requested domain name.
  • It wishes to take the action required in accordance with the present application.
  • In the case of a legal person, the declarant shall bind that legal person.
  • If you register or renew a .gr domain name beyond 2 years, you are aware that the process is progressive. That is, registration or renewal is initially up to 2 years, as permitted by the domain name regulation of this extension and the remaining years are pending until the next permitted renewal which is automatically made by this system until the requested renewal years have expired.
  • He / she is aware that in certain services (eg domain name registration), he / she will receive in addition to the order email additional emails that confirm activation of the service.
  • In any case he is responsible for checking the correct execution of his order.

Terms for registering or renewing a .eu domain name The Customer declares responsibly that:

  • The information he submits is true and does not knowingly infringe the rights of third parties in the requested domain name.
  • It wishes to take the action required in accordance with the present application.
  • In the case of a legal person, the declarant shall bind that legal person.
  • If you register or renew a .eu domain name beyond 5 years, you are aware that the process is progressive. That is, an initial registration or renewal of up to 5 years is permitted by the domain name regulation of this extension and the remaining years are pending until the next permissible renewal which is automatically made by this system until the requested renewal years have expired.
  • He / she is aware that in certain services (eg domain name registration), he / she will receive in addition to the order email additional emails that confirm activation of the service.
  • In any case he is responsible for checking the correct execution of his order.

Terms for registering or renewing a .co.uk domain name The Customer declares responsibly that:

  • The information he submits is true and does not knowingly infringe the rights of third parties in the requested domain name.
  • It wishes to take the action required in accordance with the present application.
  • In the case of a legal person, the declarant shall bind that legal person.
  • If you register or renew a .co.uk domain name beyond 2 years, you are aware that the process is progressive. That is, registration or renewal is initially up to 2 years, as permitted by the domain name regulation of this extension and the remaining years are pending until the next permitted renewal which is automatically made by this system until the requested renewal years have expired.
  • He / she is aware that in certain services (eg domain name registration), he / she will receive in addition to the order email additional emails that confirm activation of the service.
  • In any case he is responsible for checking the correct execution of his order.